Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: September 1, 2023 - Last updated: September 1, 2023


Author: Rita Schlusemann

Title: Dat si over minen soen gheen macht en hebbe

Subtitle: Gattung und multimodale Semiotik der 'Historia septem sapientum Romae' am Beispiel der niederländischen Tradition

Translation: Dat si over minen soen gheen macht en hebbe: Genre and Multimodal Semiotics of the 'Historia septem sapientum Romae' using the Example of the Dutch Tradition

Journal: Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediaävistischer Forschung. Zeitschrift des Mediävistenverbandes

Volume: 28

Issue: 1: Die 'Sieben weisen Meister' als globale Erzähltradition/The 'Seven Sages of Rome' as a Global Narrative Tradition

Year: 2023

Pages: 118-136

pISSN: 0949-0345 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 2196-6869 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: German

Keywords: Medieval History: 13th Century | European History: Dutch History | Prosecution: Victim Testimonies / False Accusations; Offenders: Kinship / Stepson; Offenders: Social Status / Noblemen; Victims: Kinship / Stepmothers; Victims: Social Status / Noblewomen; Representations: Literary Texts / Seven Wise Masters


Link: Heidelberg University Publishing (Free Access)


Rita Schlusemann, Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie (Institute of German and Dutch Languages and Literatures), Freie Universität Berlin - ORCID

Abstract: » The contribution offers, for the first time, a comprehensive survey of the pre-1500 Dutch tradition of 'The Seven Sages'. The 13th-century Dutch-language version is the oldest extant translation in the continental West Germanic language area, with at least six different Dutch versions produced by the end of the 15th century. The article also argues that not only the Dutch texts should be considered a novel or prose romance ('Prosaroman') rather than a story collection. It demonstrates briefly that this genre allocation allows a more holistic interpretation of the versions and makes the importance of the two empresses visible, especially the critical representation of the second empress in the first Dutch version, and in all other versions the clear political strategy of the first empress for an ideal empire in the future. Finally, the article shows that the images, typography and layout of each print or manuscript provide a different focus even when the same wording is used, and suggests that each version needs to be considered as a multimodal entity.« (Source: Das Mittelalter)

  Abstract (p. 118)
  1 Die 'Historia septem sapientum Romae' als (Prosa-)Roman (p. 119)
  2 Multimodale Semiotik in der niederländischen Tradition der 'SWM' (p. 122)
    2.1 Bedauern über das Verhalten der zweiten Kaiserin im Verstext 'Van den vij vroeden van binnen Rome' (p. 123)
    2.2 Die politische Strategie der ersten Kaiserin im ersten Prosadruck (1479) (p. 124)
    2.3 Das ideale Kaiserreich in der handschriftlichen Prosaversion (p. 126)
    2.4 Dreiteilung durch die Illustrationen im Druck von 1483 (p. 127)
    2.4 Dreiteilung durch die Illustrationen im Druck von 1483 (p. 127)
    2.5 Meisternamen und Laienfrömmigkeit in 'SWM' 1484 (p. 128)
  Zusammenfassung (p. 132)
  Bibliographie (p. 133)
    Quellen (p. 133)
    Sekundärliteratur (p. 134)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of the Netherlands | Literature: Rape in fiction / Seven Wise Masters | Sex and the law: Rape / History of rape